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The 22nd of April marks International Mother Earth Day. We celebrate this day to remind us that the Earth and its ecosystems provide us with life and sustenance. It should remind us that we should do more to protect the planet. In an effort to do so, many companies, including Caffenu, try to provide consumers with eco-friendly products. However, it is sometimes unclear what eco-friendly cleaning products are and how they work.
Eco-friendly products are products that cause minimal impact on the environment. Additionally, these products go through a production process that considers the impact that the products will have on the environment throughout its lifecycle. We naturally want to produce products that have the least possible impact on the environment.
Eco-friendly products can range from reusable bags and straws, to the chemical composition and raw materials of a cleaning product you use. Because Caffenu is a leader in the coffee machine cleaning industry, we pay close attention to the eco-friendliness of the raw materials of cleaning products we produce.
Over the years, many cleaning products used to contain chemicals such as phosphates and sodium hydroxide, and many products still do contain these chemicals today which can be harmful to the environment. Phosphates are found in certain foods such as deli meats, and frozen food, because phosphates enhance the flavour of some foods. While phosphates are not dangerous in small amounts and traces, too much of them can lead to problems such as kidney and liver damage.
Moreover, phosphates have also been used in cleaning detergents, which end up in the drainage systems, and eventually the ocean. This is not good for aquatic life and living organisms. That is why many companies, including Caffenu, have opted to avoid the use of phosphates in production of cleaning materials.
Caffenu strives to avoid the use of any harmful raw materials in the production of our cleaning products. We do our utmost to keep the environment a priority during production, down to our end product.
The Caffenu Eco Descaler is one example of our objective to provide eco-friendly cleaning. This product is entirely phosphate free, and uses zero chemicals that are harmful to the environment. While this product is eco-friendly, it is still powerful. A misconception many consumers have is that eco-friendly means “ineffective”. That is simply untrue.
Another such Caffenu product is the Caffenu cleaning capsule. The cleaning agent used in this capsule is made with organic and biodegradable materials. We even offer the Nespresso® compatible capsule itself in a compostable form. Although we always encourage good recycling practices.
You as the consumer have the power to decide which products will be successful on the market. So why not choose eco-friendly but highly effective products to clean your coffee machine. The environment will thank you for it!
If you would like to know more about Caffenu cleaning products, feel free to get in touch with [email protected].
Coffee machines are essential pieces of equipment in households and the hospitality industry around the world. Coffee machines, both domestic and commercial, are quite durable, offering years of service. However, the durability and lifespan of a coffee machine is dependant on how you maintain it. That’s why it is important to take care of these essential machines.
It is easy to forget to maintain and take care of a coffee machine, especially in today’s fast-paced life. However, you want to remember to give it a clean at least every now and then! Even if you don’t use your machine often, each time you brew a coffee, residue still builds up in parts of the machine. These build-ups can quickly lead to blockage, and eventually machine malfunction.
Whether you use a capsule coffee machine, or an espresso machine, you need to give it a good clean to ensure the machine not only lasts, but also brews quality coffee. If you have a specific machine, but don’t know what you need to clean it, then read this blog to find out what cleaning products your coffee machine needs.
When you should clean your coffee machine is often dependant on the machine you have, and how often you use it. If you are unsure of how or when to clean your coffee machine, then here is a guide on the most popular coffee machines and how to clean them.
When it comes to capsule coffee machines, it is important to frequently give your machine a clean if you are a fan of brewing hot chocolate, or flavoured coffee, and tea capsules. These capsules tend to leave stubborn residues behind, and also the flavour. What’s great, though, is that many capsule coffee machines, have a cleaning capsule to easily remove the stubborn residues and build-up!
Moreover, another thing to consider with capsule machines, and other coffee machines alike, is the need to clean them when left unused for a while. This is because any coffee residue and oil that was left behind after the last use has had time to settle and likely become a breeding ground for bacteria. Any water left behind in the tank or pipes will also likely be old.
So, no matter what coffee machine you have, or how often you use it; you should always remember to clean your coffee machine!
Ever got so excited to try a new coffee in your capsule machine that you forgot to eject the capsule after brewing? This isn’t a problem if you eject it a few hours later before another cuppa. It can, however, become a problem if it’s left overnight or longer, especially if you own a Dolce Gusto® machine. To be safe, on any capsule machine, always eject the coffee capsule once you made your coffee.
Why would leaving the coffee capsule inside the machine be a problem? Well, if you do not remove the capsule until the next day, the coffee grinds inside the capsule would have likely dried up, and in case of your Dolce Gusto® trapped the needle that injects the water. You’ll notice that no matter how much you pull, the capsule won’t come out. This can be very frustrating.
So what to do if this happens to you? Is your Dolce Gusto® capsule stuck inside your machine? First & most important: don’t force the compartment, as you could break it and then it’s hopeless. The brewing needle in a Dolce Gusto® capsule machine is small, and can be broken, so don’t force it.
The best thing to do if you forget the capsule inside your coffee machine, is to make sure you lift the needle first and then try to pull it out VERY SLOWLY to remove the capsule.
Re-inject the needle if the capsule is still stuck and run the machine again, as if to brew another cup. When you run water again, the dried remains will soften, and you will be able to remove it without difficulty. However, put a glass underneath and don’t even think about drinking whatever comes out of it!
It is also never a bad idea to run a descaling solution through your machine. This will ensure all pipes are clear, and your coffee hot and fresh. Try our Caffenu Eco Descaler for an eco-friendly descaling solution.
The same can be said for ejecting capsules from Nespresso® machines. A coffee capsule won’t necessarily get stuck if you leave it in a Nespresso® machine (it’s possible), but it will get mouldy. Additionally, a capsule left in the brewing chamber will leave room for bacteria to colonise, as well as bad smells to arise. Although, bacteria and smells could arise in any capsule machine with a capsule left in it for too long!
If you do happen to forget a capsule in your machine for too long, it is highly recommended that you clean your Nespresso® machine before brewing your next coffee. It is, however, always good measure to give your machine a proper clean every now and then.
We covered the importance of ejecting coffee capsules from Dolce Gusto® and Nespresso® machines, but the same goes for any coffee capsule machine on the market. Whether it be a Keurig® K-cup® brewer, or a Lavazza® Blue®, it is generally a good idea to eject coffee capsules from the chamber, after brewing a coffee.
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